Friday, April 13, 2012

1.) OPVL

"Featured Document: The 19th Amendment." National Archives and Records Administration
               Web. 13 Apr. 2012. 

ii.) "The amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote." Between the years of 1878 and 1920 this amendment was first introduced to Congress, and the year 1920 is the year when it was ratified. The process to give women the right to vote was not a easy one and came with many various struggles. Women for decades used protesting as a way to agitate Congress and to overall get their point across. Women suffrage supporters put in an unbelievable amount of hours in order to march, hold lectures, write articles, and spread their cause to the entire nation. This amendment which gave women the right to vote was the first step in their journey of emerging women into the world of politics. 

iii.) The value that lies in this source, The 19th Amendement is it being a very significant primary source or the beginning of not only women's suffrage, but the start of a new movement in politics. This right for women to vote was introduced in the year when the feminist movement became significantly more popular. Also the the fact that the amendment is able to be directly accessed and was written at the peak of the movement gives it a lot of value. The political significance in the amendment lies in the ability it gives to women, voting rights. This is a small step but is the first one towards creating opportunities for women in politics. The limitations lie in the fact that there is only one perspective shown, that being rights for women. There is no initial information given or information concerning what it took to pass this amendment. Responses to this being passed are not available, but would give a great deal of insight to what the rest of the nation thought about women's suffrage. 

iv.) This source shows great progress and achievement of the feminist movement, but only after there was a large amount of difficulty in order to get there. This marked a moment in history when women were able to begin having a part in politics. Women activists were able to successfully work towards their goal from the year of the first draft, 1887 to forty years later when it when Congress submitted it to the states for ratification. The 19th Amendment was undoubtedly a achievement of the feminist movement even though it was not immediate, the longevity of its passing caused it to be that much more of a statement decades later. 

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